Tag Archives: Government funding

Europe’s Austerity Measures Take Their Toll on Academe

Europe’s Austerity Measures Take Their Toll on Academe | Aisha Labi | Chronicle of Higher Education | 4 May 2012

The article explores ways in which European universities are being impacted by government austerity measures, or efforts to reduce public spending, due to the global financial crisis that began in 2008. Particular emphasis is given to increased tuition costs, reductions in services offered to students, and the elimination of job opportunities for college professors that have resulted from such higher education budget cuts.


Cash gap if cap doesn’t fit

Cash gap if cap doesn’t fit |  Andrew Trounson and Julie Hare | The Australian Higher Education | 26 January, 2011

AUSTRALIA’S universities will have spent about $200 million of their own money enrolling unfunded domestic students by the time the Gillard government uncaps the supply of government-funded places next year. According to calculations by the HES, the 18 universities that expect to have unfunded load this year are forgoing about $106m in government student funding. Over 2010 and 2011 that is likely to amount to about $200m. It represents an annual cost of about 0.5 per cent of the sector’s revenue, a saving for the Treasury at the expense of universities.


Earmark Ban Would Cost Colleges Dearly

Earmark Ban Would Cost Colleges Dearly | Kevin Kiley | Chronicle of Higher Education | 17 December 2010

The article discusses plans by members of the U.S. House of Representatives to impose bans on earmarks for appropriations legislation in an effort to cut back on federal spending. It examines the potential impact that the elimination of earmarking could have on research projects and educational program funding at U.S. universities and provides comments regarding this issue from university federal relations directors Zachery Moore and Keith Yehle.


Election Evokes Reminders of 1994

Election Evokes Reminders of 1994 | Kelly Field | Chronicle of Higher Education | 12 November, 2010

The article discusses similarities and differences between the U.S. elections in 1994 and 2010 in regards to their impact on the financing of higher education. It describes possible spending cuts towards the U.S. federal student loan program, mentions the U.S. Republican Party’s promise to cut government spending, and provides comments from U.S. President Barack Obama regarding his opposition to spending cuts for education.


Funding advice by next October

Funding advice by next October | Andrew Trounson | The Australian Higher Education | 27  October, 2010

TERTIARY Education Minister Chris Evans yesterday set an October 2011 reporting date for the crucial review of base university funding. This comes amid fresh controversy over whether student HECS fees will have to rise.
