Category Archives: The Australian Higher Education

Graduate jobs rate worst in 20 years

Graduate jobs rate worst in 20 years | Andrew Trounson | Australian Higher Education | 30 July, 2014

The employment rates of the newly graduate bachelor degree holders are the worst they have been in 20 years, new figures show


TEQSA forces college closure

TEQSA forces college closure | Bernard Lane | Australian Higher Education | 25 June, 2014

The private college with more tan 200 students is to close following a decision that its financial affairs are too risky.



Unis face $850m hit over fees

Unis face $850m hit over fees | Andrew Trounson | Australian Higher Education | 23 July, 2014

Universities wold have to wear a prohibitive $850 million cost if they insulated incoming 2015 students from looming higher fees, peak group Universities Australia has warned.


Doors open to philanthropists

Doors open to philanthropists | Julie Hare | Australian Higher Education | 9 July, 2014

Less than two months after calling the deregulation of higher education “misregulation”, the head of University of Adelaide has jumped to a spirited defence of the package


Academy blast for research changes

Academy blast for research changes | Andrew Trounson | Australian Higher Education | 2 July, 2014

Proposals to tighten the eligibility for Future Fellowships by focusing the program more on the mid-career researchers without ongoing positions is facing opposition form the Australian Academy of Science.


Fate of ‘porno’ answers unclear

Fate of ‘porno’ answers unclear  | BERNARD LANE | The Australian Higher Education | 19 March, 2014

A QUEENSLAND University has refused to say whether it has kept details of high profile public intellectuals who were asked to reveal their experiences of pornography.


TEQSA cuts ‘chance to restructure’

TEQSA cuts ‘chance to restructure’  | BERNARD LANE | The Australian Higher Education | 19 February, 2014

A ROUND of redundancies at the higher education regulator is an opportunity to restructure the agency and make it less top-heavy, say former senior staffers.

They say the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, which faces political and provider pressure to cut red tape, is seeking to cut seven to nine positions, the number depending on the salaries of those who go. TEQSA had 93 staff at June 30 last year, having hired 38 people in 2012-13.


Call for ARC to halt the churning

Call for ARC to halt the churning  | JULIE HARE | The Australian Higher Education | 29 January, 2014

OVER the Christmas break, the Centre for Positive Psychology and Education at the University of Western Sydney upped sticks and moved across town to Australian Catholic University\’s Strathfield campus. It totalled about 40 people: researchers, their support staff and PhD students. Yesterday, in a case of déjà vu, the University of South Australia confirmed it had acquired senior researchers and support staff from the University of Technology Sydney’s Centre for Choice. UniSA had even bought real estate in North Sydney to accommodate it’s new Institute for Choice. Two years ago, Central Queensland University, chequebook in hand, acquired UniSA\’s entire team of sleep researchers – and purchased real estate so they could stay in Adelaide.


Student fee hikes in review spotlight

Student fee hikes in review spotlight | Andrew Trounson | The Australian Higher Education | 22 January, 2014

FEE hikes and deregulation have been put front and centre in many of the submissions to the review of the demand-driven system, stoking speculation that slugging students more could be the price for keeping it. The Group of Eight wants to revive the Bradley review’s recommendation to allow universities to privatise some undergraduate courses by forgoing subsidies in return for the freedom to charge what they like. Such a move would see fees increase by over 50 per cent in high-demand courses.


International sector on the rise

International sector on the rise | Julie Hare | The Australian Higher Education | 15 January, 2014

THE international education sector has finally taken a turn for the better with new visa data showing marked improvements in both applications and grants.

Immigration Department statistics show between June and September visa applications increased by 7.1 per cent on the same period in 2012.
