Tag Archives: Student Assessment

Hold bad news about grades until after NSS

Hold bad news about grades until after NSS | Jack Grove | 15 August 2013

Institutions consider a ‘range of strategies’ to win favourable scores from students. University managers have looked to delay the release of coursework marks to avoid upsetting undergraduates before they fill in their National Student Survey forms, an academic study has revealed


Stalled progress on GPA may benefit from national push

Stalled progress on GPA may benefit from national push | Elizabeth Gibney | Times Higher Education | 25 April, 2013

Informal group admits reform will require more work than previously thought


Elite set may adopt GPA

Elite set may adopt GPA | Simon Baker | Times Higher Education | 23 June 2011

US system seen to offer a more continuous scale, say breakaway group. Seven universities are set to accelerate plans to scrap the UK’s honours degree-classification system by replacing it with the US grade-point average model.


Making the A level work a little harder

Making the A level work a little harder | Rebecca Attwood | Times Higher Education | 4 November 2010

The government wants a return to the past, with more input into the exam process by universities. Rebecca Attwood probes whether the move is welcomed or seen as more ministerial meddling.
